Feedback Mechanism: Corporate Improvement and Planning Step by Step

Definition of Stakeholder

Stakeholders are groups or individuals whose interests may be affected either positively or negatively by the company's products, operations, markets, industries, and achievements, including government sectors, competent authorities, employees, shareholders, investors, consumers, suppliers, etc.
Effective negotiation with stakeholders is an essential key to business sustainability. To build a good relationship with stakeholders, the company provides stakeholders with channels for communication and grievance so that they can make inquiries and express their opinions that reflect their reasonable expectations and needs. We also provide a feedback mechanism to deal with stakeholders' issues of concern as a basis for our company to make improvements and planning in the days to come.

Stakeholders Issues of Concern Communication, Feedback, and Frequency
Government Sector & Competent Authority
  1. Legal Compliance
  2. Corporate Governance
  3. Risk Management
  4. Government Communication
  1. Take part in advocacy campaigns and symposiums organized by competent authorities from time to time.
  2. Assist competent authorities during supervision or auditing.
  3. Set up a contact window and maintain good interaction with the competent authorities.
  1. Employee Welfare
  2. Employee Appraisal
  3. Employee Performance
  4. Employment Relation
  5. Business Image
  1. Internal websites or newsletters: announcements on employee welfare (physical examination/group insurance), the latest updates from the Ministry of Labor, and employee performance reviews each year.
  2. Labor-management meeting (once every quarter)
  3. Employee feedback boxes
Shareholders and Investors
  1. Shareholders and investors
  2. Sustainable Development Strategy
  3. Risk Management
  4. Shareholders participation
  5. Operating performance
  1. Announcement: announcements are made through the TWSE market observation post system such as corporate governance.
  2. Stakeholders' issues of concerns such as financial reports and clarification in response to the media reports.
  3. A shareholder's meeting is held and an annual report in both Chinese and English is published once a year.
  4. Investor Conference is held at least once a year.
  5. Establish a spokesman system as a contact widow.
  1. Information Security
  2. Service Quality
  3. Customer protection and communication
  1. Our product website and service hotline are made available.
  2. A Labor-Management Meeting is held once a quarter.
  3. Game official website
  1. Corporate Image
  2. Information Transparency
  3. Supplier Management
  1. Practices governing supplier management are devised, supplier performance evaluation is carried out every year, and the goal of two-way communication is fully achieved.


TEL: (02)2722-6266
Contact for investors: Mr. Zhuang, Spokesman and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Contact for suppliers: Mr. Lin, Manager of the Business Department
Please fill out the following form should you have any suggestion or advice for the company:

Your stakeholder identity: